i want to stop believing in love
I want to stop believing in love. It's quite funny, because for the longest time, I was one of the few quite capable of fighting for it.
Each day, I pray that those feelings would die. I began asking others for help. They told me what was the right thing to do and I knew that too. I was not looking for the right thing. I felt that righteousness had no place in whatever it was that am feeling.And am wrong in my belief. The happiness brought by my choice was short-lived. At the end of the day, the emptiness was still there. And I would spend the rest of the night wondering why I could not make things right.

I met a guy with gorgeous eyes
My heart rejoice and brought no lies
He was there Watching me
As he stare As if I couldn’t see.
Is there such thing as love at first sight?
At that first day I can’t sleep all the night
Every time I see of him
As if I am dreaming
Every time he’s there my heart pounds so fast
I can’t breathe, as if I won’t last
I can feel the destiny,
That he’s the right one for me.
Once my mom told me
When I was born,
The first people were there was my family.
They were there with happy faces
Rejoicing that I was born.
My family will forever be in my heart,
My sister's mean more to me,
More than life,
My family will always remain who they are in my heart and soul.
My family is more important than my friends and my lover,
Family will always come first,
No matter what they did they'll always remain family.
Even though its hurts so much
I still love them.
We are family,
although we do not resemble
Family comes together
for always and forever.
I was born to be DARYL
that makes myself real.
I do love music,
and I used to play hide and sick
I talk so loud
that makes people crowd.
they say I'm funny
but for me I'm too corny.
I may be short in height,
but my brain is ready to fight.
I love taking my picture
because I'm God's one pretty creature.
My friends have special place in me
like my sisters that seems to be.
I'm God's one piece of art
but just like others I have hatred in my heart.

[feb.09.2008.]fun in the rain.
It was one of the best days in my life ever! Having a good time with your freinds??oh my gosh!it was really fun! I wish that day will never end. We loved the rain. we played sepak. It was really a great time, so enjoying.
Hoping that they will never end. That memory will always be kept in my mind and heart...
So I stand,
in the pouring rain,
So I can, feel the growing pain,
Of having rain,
coming down like the Armageddon flame.
I can see raindrops playing their game,
Even though they look the same,
I know that there is more to rain……

When Shaytan, Shaitan was ordered out of heaven by Allah, he asked three questions?
Where will I live? Where will I eat? Where will I sleep?
Allah told him that he, Shaytan, Shaitan would live with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she entered his/her house.
Shaytan, Shaitan would eat with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before he/she started to eat.
Shaytan, Shaitan would sleep with the person who did not say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful)

obsessed with black, in♥ with music :D
something mysterious started making sense.
it's making me think.
obsession, agony and addiction.
all at the same time.