i want to stop believing in love

I want to stop believing in love. It's quite funny, because for the longest time, I was one of the few quite capable of fighting for it.

Each day, I pray that those feelings would die. I began asking others for help. They told me what was the right thing to do and I knew that too. I was not looking for the right thing. I felt that righteousness had no place in whatever it was that am feeling.And am wrong in my belief. The happiness brought by my choice was short-lived. At the end of the day, the emptiness was still there. And I would spend the rest of the night wondering why I could not make things right.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

latest issue...

GMA's boo-boo

In her rush to take over the presidency, Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has been committing one blunder after another.
(impeachment of GMA)
for me i am against to the peolpe who wanted GMA to be impeach. GMA is actually a good president of the Philippines, but maybe people dont like her because GMA dont approve what the other's want. GMA is doing her best but what can we do she's just doing what is right and good for us. maybe yes she sees herself as somewhat indestructible when she became the president because of course its an honor to be the president f the Philippines. If GMA will be out who's next? THEN the next president will be impeach again for the next years?? thats what people think thay want a resident wh give what they want.
well what we need is a right, smart, independent, leader, brave president but never been perfect because no ones perfect. PEOPLE of the philippines understand world!

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